Quantum Dynamics, Optics and Simulation Group
Theoretical quantum optics and computing at the University of Exeter, UK
The evolution of interactive quantum systems is notoriously difficult to predict. This is due to exponentially increasing space of states and the complexity of matrix exponentiation. We propose quantum simulation methods where dynamics is generated by engineered Hamiltonians in various quantum systems. These include analogue and digital quantum simulators with superconducting circuits, strongly coupled semiconductor materials, molecules and proteins, Rydberg atoms, etc. The proposed simulators help understanding fundamental questions (for instance, time crystallisation) and learn properties of simulated models relevant from the industrial point of view (Fermi-Hubbard simulators).
Quantum theory has begun with the discovery of photons as quanta of light. Optical systems represent an excellent platform for quantum technologies, thanks to fast room-temperature operation. However, as photons are non-interacting particles, many quantum optical applications require introducing effective nonlinearity for photons. We study systems where light couples strongly to excitations in various materials (semiconductor quantum wells, atomically-thin monolayers, organics, etc.) Specifically, we develop the area of polaritonics, where hybrid light-matter quasiparticles – exciton-polaritons – enable strong nonlinear optical effects in high-quality systems.
Classical computers operate information encoded in the binary form, and process it using semiconductor microchips with billions of transistors. While classical computers are successful in solving various computational tasks, certain problems require exponential increase of their runtime with the system size, making some calculations very long or even impossible. Quantum computers can offer the solution by encoding infromation in quantum states and processing it by well-controlled quantum devices. We develop algorithms for quantum computers that are currently being built and operate in the presence of noise. Our goal is to offer efficient quantum software and novel use-cases.
Special thanks goes to
Our sponsors and supporters
The research on 2D materials is supported by the New Investigator Award from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). EPSRC is a part of UKRI. Our ultimate goal is to establish and develop the area of quantum polaritonics. Please read more here.
Our research in quantum computing for differential calculus is sponsored by the quantum software start-up PASQAL. As a part of collaboratian we develop proposals near-term quantum algorithms and hardware implementations.
The part of research in quantum optics and optomechanics is supported by NATO as a part of internation collaboration (USA, Israel, Belarus, UK). Our goal is to study novel non-classical states of electromagnetic field for far-field sensing.
To follow the latest announcements, please see
After some time in the making, we are ready to present new members of quantum machine learning toolbox - differentiable quantum generative models (or DQGM for short!) [arxiv] Together with Vincent Elfving and Annie Paine we set a goal of advancing generative modelling by introducing quantum embeddings and model differentiation. Here is our strategy. We use feature maps for building models as functions of continuous parameters, and utilize projective measurements for...
We are happy to announce that a NORDITA programme co-organized by Dr. Oleksandr Kyriienko will happen in person the coming spring! The main subject of the meeting is light-matter interaction in nonlinear two-dimensional materials. The conference will be held in Stockholm (Sweden), 04-15 April 2022. Due to Covid restrictions talks are confirmed for invited participants only, but we aim to...
Paris and Amsterdam, January 11, 2022 – PASQAL, a developer of neutral atom-based quantum technology, and Qu&Co, a quantum algorithm and software developer, today announced a merger to accelerate progress on achieving business advantage through quantum computing by leveraging their complementary solutions. Continuing as PASQAL and headquartered in Paris, executives from the two firms say the combined company will deliver a 1000-qubit quantum solution in 2023...
We are welcoming Chukwudubem Umeano who is joining QUDOS group as a PhD student in quantum computing. Chiddy has been selected as Exeter Math DTP scholar, and will explore exciting directions in quantum machine learning. Before joining our team, Chiddy studied quantum algorithms developments at Imperial College London, and graduated as a physicist from Warwick university, doing...
Differentiation of quantum circuits is extremely important, being a backbone for variational methods and differential equation solvers. In the recently published work (in collaboration with Qu&Co) we have extended the tools of automatic differentiation for tackling generic unitaries. The rules are quite simple, and require a number of function evaluations at different points, which grows with...
We are very happy to welcome Dr Kok Wee Song as a new member of the QuDOS team. Kok Wee will take a position of Postdoctoral Research fellow as a part of EPSRC funded project on 2D We. He has previously worked as a postdoc at Manchester centre for 2D materials, Argonne National Laboratory, and holds a PhD from UCLA. Expect excellent research in the field, as well as many team discussion, physics and beyond!
In this work with Qu&Co arxiv we propose a novel approach for generative modelling from SDE solutions. Stochastic differential equations are truly distinct from ordinary and partial differential equations. We approached their solution by using DQC-like structure, rewritten to find a quantile function. Based on quantile mechanics...
Ms Tatiana Bespalova has successfully defended her Master Thesis, and we are happy to see her taking the PhD position at IBM Zürich doing quantum computing for chemistry. For the thesis she received highest honours and has been nominated by the committee for the best thesis award. Tatiana has asked to work on a quantum computing project with Dr Kyriienko two years ago, and fully embraced the challenges of...
We have shown that a genuine quantum time crystal behaviour appears for the system with infinite range interactions. The question that often arises: How do we realize this complex system? As time goes, Dr. Kyriienko is confident that to have time crystallisation in a perfectly quantum environment we need a fault-tolerant quantum computer. The goal is set, now just need to implement it!
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